Your generous support for priest retirement and the Priest Pension Plan are vital to supporting the Archdioceses' retired priests, who have dedicated their lives in service to God and the Church. Meet Fr. Phil Thompson, who will be retiring in July, as he reflects on his years of active ministry as a pastor and what's next for him. Fr. Phil is currently the pastor of St. Piux X Parish in Cedar Rapids.
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1. Looking back, what has your ministry as an active priest meant to you?
I have not regretted a single day of my priesthood – not that all of them have been easy. But I love being a priest. The people I have met have been a blessing to me. Many have become close friends. Throughout my entire priesthood, I have always been assigned to parishes that have been associated with Catholic schools. In fact, I have taught and been a principal in some of our high schools. I am a huge advocate for Catholic education. We must learn our faith (through education) and celebrate our faith (through liturgy) and live our faith (in our daily lives).
2. Can you share one or two of the things you'll miss most about being the pastor of a parish community? And why?
The parish becomes your family. You form many close relationships, sharing joys and sorrows. Not having that regular contact and support will be difficult. The parish never becomes routine. While the liturgy is basically the same, the Scripture readings are different every day, and the needs of the people change daily. So I never grew tired of praying for the people. I will miss that. The parishioners have also helped me grow in my faith, and I hope they continue to pray for me.
3. How will you be continuing to fulfill your priestly vocation in retirement?
I don’t know yet until I actually get into retirement. I’m sure there will be some schedules to follow, but probably not as strictly as in a parish. I hope to be available to substitute in parishes where a pastor needs to be gone, as long as my health allows.
4. Where will you live in retirement?
I will be moving to an apartment at our retirement home, Villa Raphael in Dubuque.
5. What are you most looking forward to in retirement?
I am looking forward to some relaxation. I am really anticipating the freedom to spend more time in prayer. And I don’t mean to sound morbid, but I am hoping to prepare myself better for my death. It comes for everyone, and I want to be ready to meet the Lord.
6. How important is the Priest Pension Plan to our retired priests?
In retirement, we don’t have most of the perks that we had as active priests. We have to pay for our own board and room, which was provided by the parish when we are a pastor. Health care costs rise in old age. Right now, with the uncertainty of the economy and high inflation, prices are higher for most things. The Priest Pension Plan is a HUGE blessing for retired priests. We wouldn’t be able to survive without it.7. Is there anything that you would like to say to those who support priest retirement through the ArchdioceseOne special appeal?
Just a heartfelt THANK YOU to all who supported the original Time to Remember Campaign and those who are stepping up now to support ArchdioceseOne. Your sacrifices are truly appreciated.